How Permit Expediting Services Can Help Your Upcoming Commercial Construction Projects

If you haven’t outsourced permitting in the past, 2022 may be the time to start. Companies across industries are accelerating commercial construction projects like upgraded digital menu boards for quick-serve restaurantsnational retail rolloutsbetter racking systems in warehousesinterior restaurant upgrades, and more to compete in an environment where both businesses and consumers value convenience, efficiency, technology, and customization. This makes securing building and signage permits in a timely manner essential, and permit expediting services that help you secure permits faster, a crucial tool.

The perception that permit expediters are costly or not an added value may have kept project managers from outsourcing in the past. Here is a deeper dive that busts a couple of common myths about handling commercial permitting yourself.

Is permitting easy enough to do on your own?

Permitting issues arise often, especially in stricter municipalities, or ones where you might not have any previous experience. Submittal methods range from online, to in-person and if you’re trying to juggle every element of a project at once, problems with your permitting will distract you from other project planning tasks and can even throw your project completely off schedule. Especially if you’re dealing with multi-site rollouts or upgrades, working with a permit expediter will help you avoid mistakes in your submittals across the nation that can cause costly delays.

Isn’t it better to hire someone locally?

A permit services company with more extensive national experience will know how to handle any potential problem. Experience with multiple projects in municipalities nationwide allows permit expeditors to have local expertise. Again, this is particularly helpful for multi-site projects and national rollouts for retail, hospitality and restaurant refresh programs.

How Scout Services Improves the Commercial Permitting Experience

Scout Services is a permit expediting company with both a national reach and local expertise. We use our national database to verify AHJs and all requirements upfront, ensuring submittals are done right the first time.

We’ll connect you with an experienced permit specialist, who will ensure on-time and correct submittals, track permitting progress throughout, and reach out to key building and planning department contacts to ensure timely approvals. Rather than being left on hold and bounced from person to person within different building departments, you’ll have access to a platform that shows real-time updates on your permits, and know who to reach out to with any concerns.

With the help of a permit expediter, your project will start on time and under budget without permitting mistakes and resubmittal delays standing in the way. Improve your permitting process today by partnering with Scout Services — expert permit expediters with years of experience in helping project managers get timely permits.

Contact Scout Services to make securing permits easier for upcoming 2022 projects.