Nothing is more frustrating that getting really excited about a building project you have planned and then finding out you have all this permit paperwork you have to go through just to be able to build it. All of these regulations and rules that must be followed, all of the signatures you need, all of… View Article The post Top Five Helpful Tips When Applying for A Building Permit appeared first on Scout Services.

  1. Get Really Familiar With Your Project
    The more details you know about your project, the quicker the process will go. How big will it be? Do you need a residential building permit? Are you building something totally new or just renovating something that’s already there? Every little detail counts when dealing with permit services, so make sure you know your project inside and out. The more you know about the project you plan to work on, the quicker you can get your building permits.
  2. Get Familiar With Your State and City Laws
    One of the problems with building permits is every state and city seem to have different rules. For example, on a property with a landmark in the city of Chicago, you cannot construct a fence that is more than five feet high or totally solid and visible from a public street without getting a permit from the building’s commissioner. Strange and detailed laws like this can make getting a permit even more frustrating. The more knowledgeable you can get about your state and city laws, the better off you’ll be.
  3. Be Organized
    You will have a lot of forms to submit when obtaining a building permit. Make sure you remain organized and have filled out all the forms before going to the permit building. Leaving any incomplete only means you will have to wait and do it later at the permit office.
  4. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help
    No one says you have to go at this alone. And sometimes you can find yourself lost among all this information and paperwork and fine print, leaving you overwhelmed and frustrated. Building permit expediters make it their job to have the permit process go as smoothly as possible. If you find yourself totally stuck, they can assist in really speeding along the time spent getting your permit, leaving you able to focus on your project.
  5. Be Straightforward
    If there’s something you don’t understand, tell the clerk. They can help you get all the steps done right, thus making your progress go a lot faster. Your permit expeditor can also help you understand the process. If you find yourself totally lost, just ask someone to clarify. The more you know, the faster the permit will be given to you.

Building permits can really just feel like a huge hurdle getting in the way of your project. Knowing as much as you can and asking for help when you don’t can drastically lower that hurdle to a small leap, leaving you sprinting towards your new and exciting project in the distance.

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