If you’re an architect working on commercial projects, you’re no stranger to juggling a long list of tasks. Project design might be the core part of your job, but oftentimes you’re also responsible for handling early project development, on-site project management, communications with contractors and clients, and building permit applications and acquisition. In light of this, finding a partner who can provide support with even one of these elements is essential to the success of your project. Permit expediters are one such partner but what are the signs you need a permit expediter? Permit expediters can be one of the biggest assets to your project, particularly if:

  • You’re working in a municipality with an online portal and complex requirements
  • The municipality you’re working in has a reputation for being difficult to communicate with
  • Project timelines are important to the success of your project
  • Or you have an important client that requires you to provide clarity on permit statuses at all times

But how do you know whether bringing on a permit expediter will actually make a noticeable difference? To answer this question, here are 5 of the most common signs you need a permit expediter.

Sign #1: You’ve Been Handling the Permitting Process Yourself

It’s not breaking news that acquiring building permits for commercial projects requires a major time investment. Researching the specific building codes and regulations that apply to your project can take hours or possibly even days, depending on the municipality you’re in. And after that, you’ll still need to gather the necessary paperwork, make sure everything is in order, and submit your application.

If you’re an architect taking care of this yourself, you’ve likely noticed that you have less time for your core tasks. That’s why this is the #1 sign you need a permit expediter. Permit expediters significantly alleviate the burden of permitting from the start. When you work with someone like Scout Services, you’re partnering with experts who already know what you need and how to ensure that your application is submitted accurately on the first go.

Sign #2: Your Permit Applications are Causing Delays

If you’re running into frequent roadblocks with your permit applications or your applications are getting stuck in review, this is one of the major signs you need a permit expediter.

Delays throughout the permitting process are common because there are a lot of things that can go wrong. For instance, any one of the following can result in your permits being stalled for days or even weeks:

  • Incomplete or inaccurate application materials
  • A missed step in the application process
  • Lack of follow-up and communication with municipal officials

The bad news is that these mistakes are extremely common. The good news is that they’re easy to avoid when you have permitting experts on your side. Permitting expediters already know the pitfalls to avoid when it comes to getting your application through review as quickly as possible. They’ll ensure that your application is accurate and complete, and their familiarity with the review system you’re working in will ensure that no corners are cut.

And, when you work with experts like those at Scout, you have access to people who will proactively track your application through review so that your project stays on track.

Sign #3: You Work in Multiple Locations

Permit application requirements vary drastically from location to location and project to project. When you’re working on projects in multiple locations at once, the amount of work you have to do to acquire the necessary permits increases exponentially. That’s why this is third in our list of signs you need a permit expediter.

Again, the research alone can take a substantial amount of time. But when you factor in the reality that many government websites are inaccurate, outdated, or difficult to navigate, the burden becomes nearly overwhelming.

Partnering with a national expediter like Scout gives you access to experts who already have knowledge of the location you’re working in. When that knowledge is backed by a database of over 7,700 municipalities, our expediters help ensure that all of your applications are complete and accurate no matter how many different review systems you need to navigate.

Sign #4: You Want Help Setting Timeline Expectations

There are often a lot of misconceptions about how long the permitting process takes. Sometimes, this is because official websites fail to clearly communicate how long review times can take. Other times, it’s because there are additional reviews that need to be completed before or in addition to that initial review.

Either way, when you don’t have a clear picture of how long it will take to acquire the permits you need, it can be nearly impossible to set accurate project timelines. Which, in turn, can lead to a whole host of other problems. Setting accurate expectations for commercial clients is essential to a smooth project completion.

This is where permit expediters come in. Permit expediters will know whether you’re allocating enough time for the permit process. They can even help you get through the process more efficiently so you can get through both initial and follow-up reviews in as little time as possible.

Sign #5: You Don’t Have the Time to Keep Up on Regular Local Changes

Finally, fifth in the list of signs you need a permit expediter is that you don’t have the time or resources to keep up with local changes to codes and regulations. Building codes and local regulations are updated on a regular basis. This is hard enough to keep track of when you work in one location but can be nearly impossible when you work in more than one municipality.

On top of that, some municipalities (like those in Florida and California) may have additional permits on top of the international codes frequently required in other areas of the nation.

With a national permitting partner, this is a responsibility you can fully pass on. At Scout, for instance, building permits are our entire business. As a result, we take on the task of staying up to date with all local, statewide, and nationwide changes to building codes in every municipality across the country.

Are There Signs You Need a Permit Expediter? Trust Scout Services with Permit Expediting for Your Commercial Project

At Scout Services, we’re proud to be one of the nation’s leading permit expediters for commercial projects across the United States. With a database of more than 7,700 municipalities and decades of experience in the industry, we have the local expertise to help professionals like architects and builders navigate the permitting process efficiently and gain time back.

With Scout, no project is too big or too spread out for us to handle. Whether your project involves a major office renovation in a single city or multi-site retail roll-outs, we have the resources and the know-how to ensure you get your permits as quickly as possible.

Ready to get started? Connect with our team of experts today and we can get started on your project within 24 hours.